Why host on AirRentalz?
No matter what kind of home or room you have to share, AirRentalz makes it simple to host travellers. We understand your place your rules. You’re in full control of your availability, prices, house rules, and how you interact with guests.
Host your way
We support our hosts to deliver your guests great experiences by connecting hosts to with great host experience providers. Unlike any other platform, we truly work with our hosts to deliver your guests great memorable experiences.
Your place your rules
We understand it's your place. That is why we provide you the flexibility on how you operate, from who you accept bookings from to how your guests conduct themselves while in your home.
Hosting in 3 steps
List your space for free
No matter what kind of home or room you have to share, AirRentalz makes it simple to host travellers. We understand your place your rules. You’re in full control of your availability, prices, house rules, and how you interact with guests.
Decide how you wish to host
We support our hosts to deliver your guests great experiences by connecting hosts to with great host experience providers. Unlike any other platform, we truly work with our hosts to deliver your guests great memorable experiences.
Say hello to your first guest
We understand it's your place. That is why we provide you the flexibility on how operate, from who you accept bookings from to how your guests conduct themselves while in your home.
Hosting can help pay for your next holiday or extra money to pay those bills. .
Questions answered
It’s easy to become an AirRentalz host in most areas, and it’s always free to create a listing. Entire apartments and homes, private rooms, co working spaces are just a few spaces you can host on AirRentalz.
For more details on what’s expected of hosts, check out AirRentalz standards, which revolve around safety, security, and reliability, and hospitality standards, which help hosts earn great guest reviews.
Find out what else we offer here.
We ask everyone who uses AirRentalz for information before they use our servicess. Guests need to have this information completed to make a reservation request. This information helps make sure you know who to expect, and how to contact the guest.
AirRentalz requirements for guests include: • Full name • Email address • Confirmed phone number • Introductory message • Agreement to your House Rules • Payment information
Guests are expected, but not required, to have a profile picture. You may also require guests to provide ID or other information before booking your space.
Find out what else we offer here.
Signing up for AirRentalz and listing your home, place or space is completely free. Once you receive a reservation, we charge your guest a 10% service fee and there are zero fees for hosts.
Find out what else we offer here.
We create your listing profile based on your Airbnb or other listing you have. We provide you the listing to you for review. We also create a video for you with your images.
We also post your space on our Facebook page and create a blog post about your location and include your property. This post will also be promoted via Twitter and Instagram.
Your listing will also be included in our regular email marketing campaigns to our growing database for 1 year to help boost your bookings.
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AirRentalz want all your guests to leave with memorable experiences. You provide the accommodation space and we can assist your guests with booking other experiences.
It's like having your own concierge desk.
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Yes, AirRentalz also promotes your listing you have with Airbnb, Vrbo or Booking.com. We do that providing a link from your listing to your other listing. This provides guests the option to book via AirRentalz or an alternative platform.
We have made it cheaper for guests to book with AirRentalz bu keeping our guest booking fee below 10%. Remember, it's free to list for hosts and we only charge you 1.5%.
Find out what else we offer here.