Reasons Why Your Bookings Maybe Low

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The reasons why you’re stuck on the hamster wheel of constantly trying to figure out how to get more guests could be because of your marketing, or lack of marketing.

You don’t realize that you need to be a marketer first, and a host second. I know that sounds counter-intuitive, but it’s the truth. If you’re not going to learn the new skills then you need an online service provider.  You see, the reason we exist is that you’re not a marketer, and consequently you require assistance with marketing your property.

You’re busy welcoming all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons, you can’t possibly understand who your guests are, so therefore you can’t serve them at a deeper level than everyone else. The days of hanging a sign outside and hoping someone comes along are gone forever. The days of listing on just one or two platforms are also changing. You need to stand out and therefore you need to market your property. We’re in the world of specialization now, and those who specialize the most wins. Because with specialism comes exclusivity and higher prices. Just take a look at the waiting list for a Ferrari – specialist product for a specialist market. Not everyone wants to drive a fast car, but for those who do, Ferrari has them covered.

You keep looking for quick fixes, rather than building a business system that will last. So why are you still looking? Because you don’t have the fundamentals in place on which to build a business that lasts. You haven’t transformed yourself into a real business owner. You don’t yet understand the benefits of delegating high-value activities like marketing to attract guests. You haven’t changed your mindset and are just relying on your current service providers to bring you in bookings.

What if you could partner with a platform that gives to the opportunity to run your business like a business. Do you want the freedom to market your place and advertise in new ways? Or the opportunity to work with others to help grow your bookings.

The AirRentalz marketing platform can assist you with this. We foster collaboration and that is why your listing is also a marketing a platform, so you can partner with your local businesses you know or love and advertise together. You all share in the benefits of the advertising and also foster new relationships where you all can feed off each other by way of referrals or promotions and discounts.

At AirRentalz, we partner with your existing service provider(s) as we also include a link to your existing profile so your guests can see the same property. One of the benefits for hosts and guests are our host service fee is only 1% and guest booking fees are only a maximum of 8%. We are making things cheaper for hosts and your guests.

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