Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Contractor

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If you are going to hire a contractor for your house, rental property or company, there are several things that you need to look into. This is not an easy task as there are numerous contractors out there and they are not all experts in their job. In order to avoid dealing with quack contractors, there are several questions that you need to ask before reaching the final decision. We will help with this search by revealing exactly which question are these and how to interpret the answers you get.

The time frame

Most building projects depend on various deadlines. If you are building a commercial object, perhaps you will advertise the grand opening to potential buyers. They are going to be disappointed if this date gets rescheduled because the contractor failed to deliver. Take a look at the contractor’s portfolio to see have they been able to deliver on time in the past. You can even contact their previous clients to see if all the prearranged deadlines were met accordingly. Scheduling is important for you are the person hiring the contractor and this issue should be important to them as well. If they are lenient about it, then perhaps that contractor is not the right choice to make.

The contact person

Contractors are companies that have numerous employees that aren’t all top-notch experts. If you arrange the deal with one engineer and the assign you with another one, then you could suspect there is foul play involved. In any project, especially one related to construction, excellent communication is essential. Having a contact person will allow you to track the phase the project is in and have a go-to person for all the questions you might have during the construction process. As an alternative, some contractors use digital technologies to ease up this process. One form of high-tech monitoring are cameras placed on the construction site so that clients can watch as their project is being executed.

Heritage restoration

Many people can be misled by the fact that their desired contractors have a lot of experience and they assume that they are perfect for the job. This is a wrong way of thinking, as your project is not theoretical, but practical. For instance, it is quite possible that your house or office building is protected by law as a heritage building. This is often the case in many Australian cities. The local authorities wish to preserve the architectural legacy by passing laws that deal with the restoration of such edifices. This is why all lead work should be done by specialised contractors who are experienced in this sort of work. The question you should ask yourself and the potential contractor is whether they have done work similar to the project you want to hire them for.


Construction work is tricky because it is essentially messy work. A lot of people and machinery move around the construction site, so things can get damaged and workers injured. If a company has insurance, that is proof that they take care. This goes both for their workers, as well as any damage that they might cause to your property. Before finalising the deal, be sure to check if they have insurance and what exactly does it cover.

Professional affiliation

Contractors, like any other profession, have their chambers and unofficial guilds. The contractor you opt for doesn’t necessarily have to be a member of any local or national professional association, but it is desirable that they are. In Australia, for example, such an organisation is called the Australian Constructors Association and they have a charter stating the objectives and values their association harbours. The main reason behind looking at contractor’s membership are the standards that they have to meet once accepted into a guild. This form of licensing is an additional proof that you have chosen the right contractor since they have received recognition from their colleagues.

Choosing the right contractor for the job you need is foremost a process that takes time. For the most part, it consists of enquiring and gathering information about the desired contractors. The questions we provided you with are the perfect guideline on how to decide on your own which contractor is the most suitable for the type of construction work you need.

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