Online Marketing Strategies for Short Term Rental Hosts

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There's no question that, in the modern landscape, a big part of your marketing strategy is digital. Consumers and businesses alike are almost always online -- and you want to be able to reach them and observe their behavior where they spend the most time.

In simple terms, a strategy is just a plan of action to achieve a desired goal, or multiple goals. For example, your overarching goal might be to generate 25% more leads via your website this year than you drove last year.

Here are a few strategies to consider when marketing your short-term rental.

Use Email Marketing

It isn’t enough to just send out emails. You will want to consider various email lists that cater to the specific needs of each individual and can present a personalized approach to your campaigns. Take a hard and clear look at the purchasing habits of your customers and use that information to develop your strategy. At AirRentalz, we market your property to our database. As you build your list we can incorporate that into your marketing.

Build an Opt-In Email List

An opt-in email list allows customers to come to you and sign up to receive email correspondence. This allows you to connect with potential customers and current clients.

Hold Contests and Giveaways

People love contests and giveaways. Anytime you can encourage promotion from your customers in exchange for a free product or service, you will usually see a surge in purchases or connections. At AirRentalz, we are always running some form of competition. You can also sponsor a campaign. For example we featured one of our hosts properties in a 5 night stay in Daylesford.

Maintain a Blog

A blog should be used for a number of reasons, including allowing you to consistently post new keywords and optimize your search engine strategy. More than that, a blog becomes somewhere you can offer advice, share bits of information, and really connect with your guests. A lasting relationship begins with trust, and blog is a great way to build that. At AirRentalz, you can post on our blog about your place or what’s happening in your area with a link back to your listing.

Having an online presence is absolutely essential in today's world. Every host and home is a little different. While no host should underestimate the importance of online marketing efforts, no one strategy may be able to meet the needs of every host. A little experimentation, access to AirRentalz professional assistance and a wider range of resources as well as a willingness to make future changes in order to further optimize the effectiveness of a strategy once it has been implemented may all be necessary in order to ensure that promotional efforts are able to produce superior results.